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2nd 22/06/2020

Monday, 22nd June 2020 NATURAL AND SOCIAL TERM 3 REVIEW ¡Último día de tareas! Qué ganas, ¿verdad? Las tareas de hoy son opcionales, no...

English 2nd 17/06/2020

Wednesday, 17th June 2020 TERM 3 REVIEW 1) Pupil's book page 58. Activity 1. Os pongo el listening debajo, no es necesario para hacer la...

English 2nd 15/06/2020

Monday, 15th June 2020 DOSSIER 1) Pupil's book page 87. Put the stickers and write the words. 2) Pupil's book page 88. En la parte de...

English 2nd 10/06/2020

Wednesday, 10th June 2020 REVISION 1) Listen and sing. 2) Pupil's book page 56. Activity 1. 3) Pupil's book page 56. Activity 2. 4)...

English 2nd 8/06/2020

Monday, 8th June 2020 RECYCLING 2 Para ayudar a cuidar nuestro planeta hay que seguir la regla de las 3R: 1. REDUCE = reducir 2. REUSE =...

English 2nd 3/06/2020

Wednesday, 3rd June 2020 RECYCLING La lección de aprendizaje integrado de este tema es el reciclaje. Ya sabéis todos lo importante que es...

English 2nd 1/06/2020

Monday, 1st June 2020 SONG ACTIVITIES 1) Listen to the song. 2) Activity book page 39. Activity 3. Escuchad la canción y completad con...

English 2nd 27/05/2020

Wednesday, 27th May 2020 PRACTICE 1) Watch this video. 2) Pupil's book page 53. Listen, number and write the word. 3) Activity book page...

English 2nd 25/05/2020

Monday, 25th May 2020 GRAMMAR Hoy vamos a ver la expresión que se trabaja en este tema, cómo decir que hay algo. - Cuando hay una sola...

English 2nd 22/05/2020

Friday, 22nd May 2020 NUMBERS DICTATION 1) Review numbers with this video. 2) Dictation. Listen and write the numbers. Primero escribid...

English 2nd 20/05/2020

Wednesday, 20th May 2020 STORY TIME 1) First, listen to the song. Os voy a poner la canción en todas las lecciones porque así os...

English 2nd 18/05/2020

Monday, 18th May 2020 UNIT 6 BEACH (Playa) 1) Listen and repeat to learn vocabulary. 2) Mini-flashcards page 85. Let's play Snap!...

English 2nd 11/05/2020

Monday, 11th May 2020 ENGLISH DOSSIER Para terminar este tema, haced las actividades de las páginas 83 y 84. 1) Page 83. Stick the...

Art 2nd "Mini-book"

Friday, 8th May 2020 Para terminar con las actividades del día del libro de esta semana y continuando con el Proyecto Lector de este año...

English 2nd 6/05/2020

Wednesday, 6th May 2020 STORYTELLING (Cuentacuentos) Con motivo de la celebración del libro el día 23 de abril, esta semana estamos...

English 2nd 4/05/2020

Monday, 4th May 2020 PRACTICE 1) Pupil's book page 48. (Debajo tenéis los "listenings") 2) Listen and write the numbers. El número 8 no...

English 2nd 29/04/2020

Wednesday, 29th april 2020 FOOD GROUPS Esta lección del libro no tiene nada que ver con el tema, pero como ya lo hemos dado en natural,...

English 2nd 27/04/2020

Monday, 27th April 2020 Hello! Today we're going to work on activities related to the song. (Hoy vamos a trabajar actividades...

English 2nd 22/04/2020

Wednesday, 22nd April 2020 PRACTICE VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSIONS. 1) The city. Listen to this song about places in town. Escuchad esta...

English 2nd 20/04/2020

Monday, 20th April 2020 STORY TIME This is the story you've got on your books. 1) Watch the video to see the interactive story. 2)...

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